Hi, Welcome to my site!! I got this idea from my cousin who is REALLY into technology and is smart and stuff like that!!  So I made this wedsite 4 somethin me and my BF4L n BFFs n best friends n friends!! It's THE SLUMBER PARTY GIRLS or aka SPG!!

 (L-R) Cassie Scerbo, Mallory "M-Dwing" Low, Carolina "Lina" Carattini, Karla Deras, and Caroline Ferguson-Scott!!

·         Carolina "Lina" Carattini – A born entertainer, softball player and dancer.

·         Karla Deras – She sings, dances and acts – she is also bilingual

·         Mallory "M-Dawg" Low – Appeared on E.R. and the Jay Leno Show, she loves to tell jokes, play basketball and loves rap music.

·         Cassie Scerbo – Bring musical and sports (gymnastics & soccer) talents to the group

·         Caroline Scott –Has appeared in a number of commercials and was a featured dancer in Gwen Stefani’s video for “Hollaback Girl”


The five making the cut were Lina Carattini, 17, of Indiana; Karla Deras, 17, of California; Caroline Ferguson-Scott, 15, of Tennessee; Mallory Low, 17, of California; and Cassie Scerbo, 17, of New York.


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